General Mordacq by Francois Wicart.
12 Feb

"Did you say Mordacq ?" This is the reply you would get from most French people today.

Discover the personality and life of this now largely unknown General who, a one-time shooting star in the firmament of celebrities, disappeared into the black hole of anonymity.

Henri Mordacq was one of the main actors in the victory of 1918 and the subsequent Treaty of Versailles. He was a general and an intellectual who wrote more than thirty books and who drowned in suspicious circumstances in the centre of Paris in the swollen waters of the Seine on 12 April 1943.

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Francois is a French national who studied at both French and British universities before qualifying as Conferencier for the French Ministry of Culture and Tourism in 1981. He was also for a time in charge of various restoration teams of volunteers for the Ministry of Historical Buildings where he specialised in medieval fortifications. He has lectured on military history and guided battlefield tours for many years. He has published a short book on the Battle of Verdun and various articles of 20th Century military history interest.

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The Warwick Arms Hotel has a bar area which provides refreshments. There will be a question and answer session after the talk, followed by a raffle.

Members and non-members of The Western Front Association are equally welcome. New visitors will experience a warm, friendly atmosphere.

The Dormer Place Conference Centre, Dormer Place, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire CV32 5AA
12 Feb 2020 19:45