Annual General Meeting 2021
02 Nov

We shall be holding our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 2 November and all branch members are welcome to attend. The exact location is yet to be finalised but shall be known shortly. If you are interested in attending then please let me know so that we have an idea of numbers and can cater accordingly - contact me either by email ( or telephone (07702 253638).
Items that shall particularly be addressed will be the suitability of the Ed Shed as a continued venue for our meetings, the post of Treasurer - after 15 years of fantastic service Hilary has decided to stand down as Treasurer, the post of Members' Secretary - after almost 6 years of valued service Helen Earle is standing down as Members' Secretary and so we are looking for volunteers to take over the roles.
I very much hope you would like to attend!

to be confirmed
02 Nov 2021 00:00