A Brief Guide showing how to use The WFA's Library Edition of Fold 3

A Brief Guide showing how to use The WFA's Library Edition of Fold 3

Below are three videos created to help Western Front Association members log into the Pension Records via The Western...

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Fold3 Pension Records

Fold3 Pension Records

As members of The Western Front Association will know, in 2012 the WFA stepped in to save from destruction over six m...

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Other Ranks Survived: The Final Release of Pension Records

Other Ranks Survived: The Final Release of Pension Records

The final set of Pension Record Cards has just been published by our partners 'Ancestry.co.uk' on their Fold3 platfor...

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Pension Cards made available for 'Widows and Dependents of Other Ranks Died'

Pension Cards made available for 'Widows and Dependents of Other Ranks D...

Members of The Western Front Association will be delighted to learn that another massive release of Pension Record Ca...

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How the Pension Cards and Ledgers interconnect

How the Pension Cards and Ledgers interconnect

The recent publication of well over a million extra Pension Card from the 'Widows and Dependents' series has been det...

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Using the RFC to unlock the workings of widow’s pensions

Using the RFC to unlock the workings of widow’s pensions

It was only in early 1915, 6 months in to the war, that the War Office began paying pensions to the widows of those s...

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Chelsea and the disabled soldier

Chelsea and the disabled soldier

At the outbreak of war in 1914 each of the two great military departments, the War Office and the Admiralty, dealt wi...

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Officers Pension Record Cards

Officers Pension Record Cards

Two more sets of Pension Record Cards ('PRCs') have been digitised and made available by the WFA's partner Ancestry....

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Interesting examples of Officers Pension Record Cards

Interesting examples of Officers Pension Record Cards

Below are a few examples of officers cards and officers widows cards located in the WFA's Pension Record Cards archiv...

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Further Hints and Tips to assist with finding Pension Records

Further Hints and Tips to assist with finding Pension Records

The following may assist WFA members in the search for pension records 1) If using a regimental number as one of the...

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Unindexed Pension Cards. The 'Missing 22 drawers'

Unindexed Pension Cards. The 'Missing 22 drawers'

In recent days an issue has come to light that affects approximately 2 percent of the Pension Cards for 'soldiers die...

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The Disabled First World War Soldier : how his pension was calculated

The Disabled First World War Soldier : how his pension was calculated

A man who was discharged as medically unfit where that unfitness was certified as being either caused by or aggravate...

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Pension Record Cards and Ledgers: how they fitted in to the bigger picture

Pension Record Cards and Ledgers: how they fitted in to the bigger picture

As many member of The Western Front Association will know, especially the those who have accessed the pension records...

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Pension Record Cards and Ledgers: how they fitted in to the bigger picture (part 2)

Pension Record Cards and Ledgers: how they fitted in to the bigger pictu...

In an earlier article we looked at some cases of Pension records and compared the WFA's pension cards to files that a...

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Pension Record Cards and Ledgers - how they fitted in to the bigger picture (part 3)

Pension Record Cards and Ledgers - how they fitted in to the bigger pict...

This is the third of three article intended to show what is available at The National Archives ('TNA') at Kew in the...

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Correction of errors on Fold3 - good news!

Correction of errors on Fold3 - good news!

Member of The Western Front Association will be pleased to learn that the 'correction of errors process' which is det...

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Correction of transcription errors on Fold3

Correction of transcription errors on Fold3

The feedback about the accuracy of the tagging (or indexing) of the WFA's pension records of Fold3 suggests this has...

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'1917' - using the Pension Records to track down the characters in the film (if they'd been real!)

'1917' - using the Pension Records to track down the characters in the f...

The new film '1917' by Sam Mendes is about to be released in the UK (and has already been released in the USA). It ha...

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How to use the 'Browse' function on Fold3 when researching the WFA Pension Records

How to use the 'Browse' function on Fold3 when researching the WFA Pensi...

The intention behind this article is to explain how to access Pension Ledgers on the WFA's Library edition of Fold3 b...

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Pension Record Cards - claims for soldiers who were killed

Pension Record Cards - claims for soldiers who were killed

The next major release of images of the Pension Record cards saved by the WFA has now been made available to WFA memb...

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Finding Horace: A two minute search of the WFA's Pension Records provides the answer

Finding Horace: A two minute search of the WFA's Pension Records provide...

The Pension Cards and Ledgers that were saved by The Western Front Association are a valuable resource which will mas...

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An overview of the Pension System immediately after the War

An overview of the Pension System immediately after the War

The following article by Craig Suddick takes an overview of the pension system immediately after the First World War....

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An analysis of the Mercantile Marine index cards

An analysis of the Mercantile Marine index cards

Within the millions of documents the WFA have saved was a small metal set of four drawers that - in the scale of the...

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Pension Records for 'non-UK' soldiers

Pension Records for 'non-UK' soldiers

It was initially believed that the WFA's Pension Cards and Ledgers were only for claims for pensions for men who came...

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Understanding the Ledger Indexing

Understanding the Ledger Indexing

This article aims to set out some of the technical aspects of the indexing of - and subcategories that make up - the...

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Index of counties within regions for Pension Records

Index of counties within regions for Pension Records

This is to is to assist members undertaking Pension Record searches using the 'browse' facility on The Western Front...

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Great War Pension Record Cards and Ledgers: deeper understanding

Great War Pension Record Cards and Ledgers: deeper understanding

The history of the Great War is not just about generals and statesmen. In examining the Great War, we can often over...

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A Further Release of First World War Pension Records by Ancestry

A Further Release of First World War Pension Records by Ancestry

Western Front Association members will already know that the Naval Records were released a few weeks ago, but today (...

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Pension Record Cards and Ledgers: some examples of dependents' cards

Pension Record Cards and Ledgers: some examples of dependents' cards

Just part of one load of the records being transferred to the WFA's storage facility. Three HGVs were eventually req...

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Pension Records: Famous, Infamous, Extraordinary and Ordinary

Pension Records: Famous, Infamous, Extraordinary and Ordinary

The Western Front Association's Pension Record Card and Ledger archive which has been published online by Ancestry is...

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Dear David ... Pension Record Cards Feedback

Dear David ... Pension Record Cards Feedback

Here's some feedback about the Pension Records lookups we have conducted for a wide range of individuals: Andrew Gilp...

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Release of Naval and Mercantile Marine Pension Records by Ancestry

Release of Naval and Mercantile Marine Pension Records by Ancestry

Members of The Western Front Association will be delighted to learn that the first of a series of releases of the WFA...

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Announcing the launch of FREE member access to the digitised Pension Records

Announcing the launch of FREE member access to the digitised Pension Rec...

We are delighted to announce that WFA members can freely access the Pension Records via the WFA web site.  Had The...

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Official correspondence following a death in the Great War – Private Cornelius Hayes, Cheshire Regiment

Official correspondence following a death in the Great War – Private Cor...

The improved availability of online records has made tracing of the life and service of a Great War soldier relativel...

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A draft of 100, all boys from the Kings Liverpool Regt

A draft of 100, all boys from the Kings Liverpool Regt

Most people seeking to trace the steps of a soldier who served in WW1 will run into the same dead end that I did when...

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The Red Baron - his 'other rank' victims

The Red Baron - his 'other rank' victims

There are many ways that The Western Front Association's pension records can be used for research purposes. In this a...

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Some numbers (and images) around the WFA's Pension Records

Some numbers (and images) around the WFA's Pension Records

The Western Front Association recently saved from destruction around 8 million pension records of First World War Sol...

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Finding Great Uncle George

Finding Great Uncle George

The following message from David Jenkins relates to the way the Pension Records can help find 'missing' relatives who...

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'One Hell of a Row': A War widow's pension

'One Hell of a Row': A War widow's pension

Grandfather was killed 7 weeks before the end of the First World War.  His immediate family, that is his wife and thr...

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Ep. 94 – The Great War Pension Record Cards – David Tattersfield

Ep. 94 – The Great War Pension Record Cards – David Tattersfield

David Tattersfield, The Western Front Association Trustee, talks about the First World War Pension Record Cards that...

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Further examples of unusual Pension Claims

Further examples of unusual Pension Claims

As the various projects WFA members are working on move forward, it seems a good time to update members on just a cou...

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Ministry of Pensions Regional Offices

Ministry of Pensions Regional Offices

After the First World War, the Ministry of Pensions (for a short time) created a number of regional offices in order...

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How Reference numbers were used in WW1 Pension claims at Chelsea and in the Pension Issue Office

How Reference numbers were used in WW1 Pension claims at Chelsea and in...

In this article the author looks at those pension reference systems used by the Ministry of Pensions, with specific r...

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