StandTo! Current Editions

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StandTo! Archives

133: March 2024

133: March 2024

Welcome to the March edition of Stand To! with an introduction and apology for the slight delay...

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132: October 2023 Special Edition

132: October 2023 Special Edition

Stand To! 132 Contents The Camera Returns (113) by Bob Grundy and Steve Wall...4–5 The War in Uk...

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131: August 2023

131: August 2023

Stand To! No.131 August 2023 Contents Page Editor’s Introduction 2 AIF Machine Gu...

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130: April 2023

130: April 2023

In Communications Lines, the introduction to Stand To!, editor Matthew Leonard talks football, mo...

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129: January 2023

129: January 2023

This is the January 2023 issue of Stand To! No.129 - the Journal of The Western Front Association...

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128: October 2022 Special Edition

128: October 2022 Special Edition

Editor’s Introduction Welcome to the fourth and final Stand To! of 2022 and our first Special Edi...

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127: August 2022

127: August 2022

COVER IMAGE: Artillerymen outside dugouts, Somme 1916. This photograph shows a group of sold...

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126: April 2022

126: April 2022

Stand To! No.126 April 2022  Contents  Communication Lines p.2  An introduction from the editor M...

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125: January 2022

125: January 2022

Duel on the Roman Road. A micro–analysis of an artillery–tank action at the Battle of Amiens Part...

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'The Unknown Warrior : Fact, Fiction, Context and Legacy' Stand To! Special Edition

'The Unknown Warrior : Fact, Fiction, Context and Legacy' Stand To! Special Edition

This is a specially revised and updated edition of the Stand To! special first published in Novem...

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124 : October 2021

124 : October 2021

Contents of Stand To! No.124 Communication Lines p 3 Illusions and Disillusions, Vain Hopes and G...

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123 : July 2021

123 : July 2021

Contents of Stand To! No. 123 Communication Lines 2-3  Somme, March 1918: Bridgehead defence and...

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122 : April 2021

122 : April 2021

Stand To! No. 122 April 2021   Communication Lines  2-3 Reduced and Reconstituted Briti...

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121 : January 2021

121 : January 2021

Communication Lines 2–6  A Bridge Too Many on the Oise by Michael Carragher 7–11  A Short Spell o...

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120 : November 2020 Special Edition

120 : November 2020 Special Edition

This is a Special Edition of Stand To! marking the centenary of the interment of the Unknown W...

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119 : October 2020

119 : October 2020

CONTENTS Communication Lines  Keeping up the Strength 1914–1967 by Tom Blackman  The 1/5th Lincol...

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118 : June 2020

118 : June 2020

 Stand To! No.118 June 2020 Contents Communications Lines : Letters to the Editor Articles...

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117 : February 2020

117 : February 2020

Contents  2–3               Communication Lines  4–6  ‘Shoppee’s Tower’: The Importan...

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116: October 2019 Special Edition

116: October 2019 Special Edition

This is a Special Edition of Stand To! 'Aftermath'. Stand To ! 116 Contents Communication Lin...

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115: May 2019

115: May 2019

Communications Lines   Articles Götterdämerung – June 1919:The End of the German High Seas Flee...

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114: February 2019

114: February 2019

Communication Lines Identifying the Dead of Tyne Cot by Peter Hodgkinson ‘You have done splendidl...

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113:  October 2018 Special Edition

113: October 2018 Special Edition

This is a 'Special Edition of Stand To! 'Lest We Forget 1918-2018 The Armistice Remembered'.  ‘Th...

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112: June 2018

112: June 2018

Communication Lines : Notes from the Editor The Lightning Keepers The Australian Alphabet Company...

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111: March 2018 Special Edition

111: March 2018 Special Edition

This a 'Special Edition' of the journal of The Western Front Association remembering the German S...

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110: October 2017

110: October 2017

Welcome to the October 2017 edition of The Western Front Association journal Stand To!   Editor'...

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109 : June/July 2017 Special Edition

109 : June/July 2017 Special Edition

This is a Special Edition of Stand To! 'Passchendaele Remembered 1917-2017'.  Editor’s Introducti...

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108: January 2017

108: January 2017

 Editor's Introduction Plans for the 100th Anniversary of Third Ypres Communication Lines (Lett...

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107: October 2016

107: October 2016

Editor’s Introduction Articles Last contribution by David and Judith Cohen ‘War Art’ after 22 yea...

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106: July 2016 Special Edition

106: July 2016 Special Edition

Communication Lines Shots from the Front The Somme in the Soldiers’ Own Words and Photographs by...

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105: January 2016

105: January 2016

Editor’s Introduction Fred Plotts Communications Lines (Letters to the Editor)  Gilbert the Fi...

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104:  September 2015 Special Edition

104: September 2015 Special Edition

Editor’s Introduction Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor) A Life Remembered Lochnagar C...

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103: May 2015

103: May 2015

Editor’s Introduction Centenary of the Gallipoli Landings Communication Lines (Letters to the E...

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102: January 2015

102: January 2015

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)  Night Raid on the Hollandscheschuur Salient by Laure...

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101: September 2014

101: September 2014

Editor’s Introduction The long term legacy of the centenary Communications Lines Royal Melbou...

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100: June 2014 Special Edition

100: June 2014 Special Edition

This is the Centenerary 1918-2018 Special Edition of Stand To!  Editor’s Introduction Hearing fr...

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099: January 2014

099: January 2014

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor)  Planning for the Centenary Gilbert the Philbert  ‘...

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098: September 2013

098: September 2013

Editor’s Introduction Great Uncle Albert Cooksey 1/King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry Communic...

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097: May 2013

097: May 2013

Editor’s Introduction Suffolk Hill and Le Cateau in the snow March 2013 Communication Lines (L...

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096: January 2013

096: January 2013

Editor’s Notes The WFAs stance for the Centenary 1914-2014 Communications Lines (Letters to the E...

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095: September 2012

095: September 2012

Editor’s Introduction Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor) Shipping Losses Learning Curve...

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094: May 2012

094: May 2012

Editor’s Introduction Remembering Bridgeen Fox Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor) M...

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093: December 2011/January 2012

093: December 2011/January 2012

Editor’s Introduction War Horse Michael Morpurgo Communications Lines (Letters to the Editor)...

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092: August/September 2011

092: August/September 2011

Editor’s Introduction Views, thoughts and ideas can be shared - often leading to a greater under...

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091: April/May 2011

091: April/May 2011

Communication Lines (Letters to the Editor) The Camera Returns Coke Zandvoorde Richard Holmes RI...

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090: December 2010/January 2011

090: December 2010/January 2011

Editor’s Introduction The Lord Ashcroft Victoria Cross/George Cross Gallery, IWM Communication...

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089: August/September 2010

089: August/September 2010

Editor’s Introduction The Inauguration of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemetery at Phe...

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088: April/May 2010

088: April/May 2010

Editor’s Introduction British West Indies Regiments A British Private Memorial behind German Li...

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087: December 2009/January 2010

087: December 2009/January 2010

Editor’s Introduction The power of culture and memory of the Great War to amaze, illuminate and...

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086: August/September 2009

086: August/September 2009

Editor’s Introduction The passing of the last veterans of the First World War Communication Li...

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085: April/May 2009

085: April/May 2009

Editor’s Introduction Indian cavalry units attack towards Longueval and High Wood 14 July 1916 T...

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084: December 2008/January 2009

084: December 2008/January 2009

Editor’s Introduction 90th Anniversary of the end of war Communication Lines AEF 115th Regimen...

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083: August/September 2008

083: August/September 2008

  Editor’s Introduction The Ridley Scott ‘Boy with Bike’ Hovis advert recreated with 200 extras...

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082: April/May 2008

082: April/May 2008

Editor’s Introduction Visiting battlefields and cemeteries - picking up litter Communications L...

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081: January 2008

081: January 2008

Editor’s Introduction 90th Anniversary of the Battle of Cambrai 90th Anniversary of the German...

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080: September 2007

080: September 2007

Editor’s Introduction Jon Cooksey introduces himself as the new Editor Stand To! Interest in the...

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079: April 2007

079: April 2007

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) New Editor Jon Cooksey announced from next issue Ann...

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078: January 2007

078: January 2007

Notes by the Way (From the Editor) Memorial Fresco, St Lukes, Brighton  Royal Naval Division sea...

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077: September 2006

077: September 2006

Notes by the Way (Notes from the Editor) Request to appoint a new editor Chris Baker and the Int...

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076: April 2006

076: April 2006

Notes by the Way (Notes from the Editor) Somme 90th Anniversary Surviving US Veterans Salvation...

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075: January 2006

075: January 2006

Notes by the Way (From the Editor) The Western Front Association's 25th Anniversary Notes on Gui...

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074: September 2005

074: September 2005

Notes By The Way (Notices from the Editor) Tideway School Project with Jim Fanning WFA Schools P...

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073: April 2005

073: April 2005

Notes by The Way (Notices from the Editor) Stand To! 1: Spring 1981 - Stand To! 72 : January 200...

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072: January 2005

072: January 2005

Notes by The Way (Notices from the Editor) Remembering Jim Minnoch, American Member of The WFA...

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071: September 2004

071: September 2004

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Mourning and the Making of a Nation: Gold Star Mothers...

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070: April 2004

070: April 2004

Notes by The Way (Notices from the Editor) Remembering John Terraine Founding President and Patr...

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069: January 2004

069: January 2004

Notes By The Way (Notices from the Editor) The Difference between Stand To! and Bulletin The RSP...

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068: September 2003

068: September 2003

Notes By The Way (Notices from the Editor) Germ Warfare The influenza pandemic US Marine Wi...

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067: April 2003

067: April 2003

Notes By The Way (Notices from the Editor) London Gazette online Pathe News online John Frost Hi...

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066: January 2003

066: January 2003

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Obituary: Lt.-Col Michael 'Dick' Burge Webwatch (11)...

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065: September 2002

065: September 2002

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Compliments by Sir John Keegan in the Times Literary...

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064: April 2002

064: April 2002

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) James Brazier resigns as editor of Bulletin. Stan Gro...

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063: January 2002

063: January 2002

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) First Christmas Calendar The Great War series on vide...

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062: September 2001

062: September 2001

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Armistice Day 2001 1914-18: Le Magazine de la Grande...

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061: April 2001

061: April 2001

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Increase in size of Stand To! from 40 to 44 or 52 pag...

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060: January 2001

060: January 2001

Notes By The Way (Notices from the Editor) Patron John Terraine turns 80 Durham Seminar Trench M...

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059: September 2000

059: September 2000

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Colin Fox RIP Prize for A'Level Students? Preparatio...

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058: April 2000

058: April 2000

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Helen McPhails Poetry Editor for a number of years re...

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057: January 2000

057: January 2000

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Western Front Postage Stamp Index of articles for Iss...

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056: September 1999

056: September 1999

Notes by the Way. (Notices from the Editor) Mike Lyddiard RIP Peter Simkins retired and awarded...

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055: April 1999

055: April 1999

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Hobart's History of Cambrai (Part II)  Chapter V: The...

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054:  January 1999

054: January 1999

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Soldiers Died CD ROM The Kipling Society Questions ab...

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053: September 1998

053: September 1998

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Essays by John Terraine 80th Anniversary of the Armis...

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052: April 1998

052: April 1998

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Tony Noyes, Chairman and Committee Member Retires Fro...

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051: January 1998

051: January 1998

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) John Terraine standing down as Honorary President of...

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050: September 1997

050: September 1997

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor)  Passchendaele Anniversary Fiftieth Edition of Stand...

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049: April 1997

049: April 1997

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) John Terraine's health John Terraine's poem 'In May'...

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048: January 1997

048: January 1997

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Computer Floppy Disk and the next edition of Stand To...

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047: September 1996

047: September 1996

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Stand To! Covers in colour to mark the 80th Annivers...

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046: April 1996

046: April 1996

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) At the Cenotaph Roll of Honour: A Veteran Member reme...

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045: January 1996

045: January 1996

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) 15 years of The Western Front Association Notable WFA...

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044: September 1995

044: September 1995

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Remembering an Unknown Soldier under the Menin Gate...

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043: April 1995

043: April 1995

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Roll of Honour - Three Veteran Members remembered Wa...

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042: January 1995

042: January 1995

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) British and Indian Officers Roll of Honour - A Vetera...

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041: Summer 1994

041: Summer 1994

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Previous Stand To! Editor Tony Farquharson 80th Anniv...

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040: Spring 1994

040: Spring 1994

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Editor. Tony Farquharson Roll of Honour - Three Veter...

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039: Winter 1993

039: Winter 1993

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Book Reviews Roll of Honour - Eight Veteran Members r...

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038: Summer 1993

038: Summer 1993

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Bob Butcher retires as Editor of Stand To! Roll of Ho...

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037: Spring 1993

037: Spring 1993

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) The Camera Returns (19) The D42 Arras to Fampoux Road...

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036: Winter 1992

036: Winter 1992

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Roll of Honour - Five Veteran Members remembered The...

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035: Summer 1992

035: Summer 1992

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Congratulations to Aleks A M Deseyne winner of the 19...

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034: Spring 1992

034: Spring 1992

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Memorial Service from the founder of The Western Fron...

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033: Winter 1991

033: Winter 1991

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Long standing WFA Committee Members retire: James Bra...

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032: Summer 1991

032: Summer 1991

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Miss Rose Coombe RIP Denis Winter's Haig The Camera...

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031: Spring 1991

031: Spring 1991

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) James Brazier, Treasurer since the inception of The W...

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030: Winter 1990

030: Winter 1990

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) ‘Did we really … (send them into that)? John Terrain...

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029: Summer 1990

029: Summer 1990

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Which Unit? Postcard by Nicholas Parker The Camera R...

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028: Spring 1990

028: Spring 1990

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) The Western Front was not an exclusively British Affa...

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027: Winter 1989

027: Winter 1989

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) David Cohen, retires as Chairman of The WFA - a tribu...

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026: Summer 1989

026: Summer 1989

Notes by the way (Notices from the Editor) NZ in ANZAC Which unit? The Camera Returns (8) Heavy...

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025: Spring 1989

025: Spring 1989

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) The Committee returned, an abundance of Great War boo...

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024: Winter 1988

024: Winter 1988

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Chairman's Christmas Message: David Cohen  The End! To...

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023: Summer 1988

023: Summer 1988

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) British Trench Mortars The Light Mortar The Camera R...

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022: Spring 1988

022: Spring 1988

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Behind the Lines (8) Letters Up! The Army Post Office...

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021: Winter 1987

021: Winter 1987

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Chairman's Message from David Cohen  41st Division Chr...

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020: Summer 1987

020: Summer 1987

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Changes in BEF Divisions by R W Butcher The Camera Ret...

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019: Spring 1987

019: Spring 1987

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Writing Editor Peter T Scott Introducing: Bob Butcher...

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018: Winter 1986

018: Winter 1986

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) WFA Chairman Charles E Thompson Stand To! Editor Pete...

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017: Summer 1986

017: Summer 1986

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Some tributes: Lieutenant-General Sir John Glubb KCB,...

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016: Spring 1986

016: Spring 1986

Deputy Chairman: David Cohen Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Emil & Franz: Leutnan...

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015: Winter 1985

015: Winter 1985

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Home Front (9): London: A birds-eye view of the Minist...

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014: Summer 1985

014: Summer 1985

Notes by the Way (Notices from the Editor) Home Front (8) Land Army: The Woman’s Land Army / Wome...

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013: Spring 1985

013: Spring 1985

Editorial Notes Home Front (7) The New Armies Relearning the Lessons. John Terraine's 1984 5th An...

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012: Winter 1984

012: Winter 1984

Christmas Messages From our Founder From our Patron From our Chairman From our Honorary Presiden...

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011: Summer 1984

011: Summer 1984

Special Introduction to 1984 John Terraine: 1984 Anniversary John Giles: Prelude to 1984 Terry...

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010: Spring 1984

010: Spring 1984

Chairman’s Letter George Ashurst wrote of playing in an International: England Vs German, Christ...

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009: Winter 1983

009: Winter 1983

Editorial Notes British Bias Veterans: 1914-1984 Christmas Messages I Vowed by Margaret & I...

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008: Summer 1983

008: Summer 1983

Editorial Notes Anniversary Issues Behind the Lines (5) 51 Siege Battery My Experiences in the...

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007: Spring 1983

007: Spring 1983

Editorial Notes Improvements in layout, largely in-house, increasing budget, increasing pages fr...

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006: Winter 1982:

006: Winter 1982:

Editorial Notes Photographic contributions: cropping of images and a request for pictures from M...

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005: Summer 1982

005: Summer 1982

Editorial Notes On contributions, ‘write whatever you like’, results of the 1981 survey of membe...

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004: Spring 1982

004: Spring 1982

Editorial Notes This 1st anniversary edition carries an additional 4 pages for articles and vet...

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003: Winter 1981

003: Winter 1981

Editorial Notes (Honorary Editor: Peter T Scott) 70 years on - the first ‘decade’ anniversaries...

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002: Autumn 1981 (September)

002: Autumn 1981 (September)

Editorial Notes (Hon. Editor Peter T. Scott) Poetry contributions to David Patterson Appeal for...

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001: Spring 1981

001: Spring 1981

Editorial Notes (Peter T. Scott) Serving members of the Western Front Association Early Days, N...

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