The information below will help you decide which kind of membership is best for you. If you have any queries please do get in touch with the WFA office. 

Please select the type of membership you require.

2025 Membership Prices

£40.00 - UK Single

£44.00 - UK Dual

£48.00 - Europe Single

£51.00 - Europe Dual

£55.00 - World Single

£59.00 - World Dual

£25.00 - UK Junior

£42.00 - Overseas Supporter

£40.00 - Digital (UK)

£40.00 - Digital (Europe)

£40.00 - Digital (Worldwide)

Important Information

Please do not continue if you are an existing member. To renew your membership please click here to renew using your 8 digit reference number on your renewal invitation. Please contact the office if you do not have a reference.

Note: New subs from 1 February 2025

For members renewing their subscriptions after 1 February 2025 and new members who join after this date, the following membership rates will apply: 

UK Single - £40

UK Dual - £44

Europe Single - £48

Europe Dual - £51

World Single - £55

World Dual - £59

Overseas Supporter - £42

UK Junior - £25

Digital (UK, Europe, World) £40

Dual Membership

Entitles up to three people living at the same address to WFA Membership for one year, with one copy of each publication per household. Three people means the applicant and two other named people.

Junior Membership

Entitles one applicant under the age of 18 at the time of application to WFA Membership for one year. UK only.

Cancellation Policy

You have the right to cancel within seven days of this contract with the WFA, or seven days of receipt of the Membership Pack (whichever is the longer). If you do cancel your order, you will have your payment returned and your WFA membership will be cancelled.

Do you have a Membership Question?

Please refer your queries about WFA membership to the WFA Office.

Fields marked * are mandatory.

Gift Membership?

Your Details

Gift Aid

Marketing Preferences

I consent to The Western Front Association and its branches continuing to contact me by;



Billing Address

Membership Details

Payment Method

Important Information

Please do not continue if you are an existing member. To renew your membership please click here to renew using your 8 digit reference number on your renewal invitation. Please contact the office is you do not have a reference.