Update: For technical reasons, the actual talk given by Clive was 'Our Emerging Chief: the Evolution of Douglas Haig 1915-18'.
About this talk: This is a brand new talk by Clive, put together specially for NW Kent. It looks at London-based regiments and helps bring to life the exploits and experiences of its soldiers - whether they be Regulars, Territorials, Kitchener volunteers or Conscripts.
About this speaker: A popular visitor to NW Kent, Clive served in the Royal Signals and with Hertfordshire Constabulary before embarking on a career in military history in 1998. In addition to the publication of “Walking the London Blitz”, ” Wander through Wartime London” and “The Greater Game” he has contributed to Time Team, Time Watch, Blitz Spirit and CBS’s Legacy of War. His specialist battlefield subjects are The Retreat of 1914, The Ypres Salient, 1918, The London Blitz and the Italian Campaign of 1943/44. Clive is the holder of badge number 33 within the Guild of Battlefield Guides and is a member of the British Commission for Military History. He joined the Western Front Association as a child and has provided regular talks and lectures since leaving the Army in 1991. Clive completed his Masters degree in Great War Studies at Wolverhampton and is currently undertaking a PhD. His favourite battlefield to visit remains Gallipoli.
This online talk: goes live at 19:30 for a 19:45 start, ending at about 20:45. Participating is quick and easy. The only equipment you need is a computer, or a tablet, or a smart phone. Simply email wfa.nwkent@gmail.com for your link. We'll also automatically add you to the mailing list to keep you updated with future events.