Image courtesy IWM/Collections: SP 1074 The armed merchant cruiser MOREA of the 10th Cruiser Squadron
About the talk: During the First World War the 10th Cruiser Squadron operated the Northern Patrol, checking trade routes to Germany. This talk looks at the Allied Blockade of 1914-19 and tells how the Allies defeated Germany by siege/economic warfare instead of by feat of arms. The ultimate weapon in this was - as Beatty recognised - 10th Cruiser Squadron. By time of the Armistice, the German nation was falling apart and central Europe was facing the worst famine since the 17th century. Then came the worst atrocity committed by the allies in the war, seen at the time, it was then quietly overlooked in official histories that followed.
About the speaker: A popular visitor to NW Kent, Dr Graham Kemp has been a historian of the Great War for over 40 years. He is a retired tour guide/museum manager at Lancaster Castle, as well as an ex teacher and an ex chair of Lancs (North). He is an experienced speaker, from Castle outreach and WFA talks to addressing international conferences on his doctorate subject of Peace and International Relations. His passion is conveying the human perspective and experience.
This online talk: opens at 19:20 for a 19:30 start, ending at about 20:30. Participating is quick and easy. The only equipment you need is a computer, or a tablet, or a smart phone. Simply email for your link and the passcode. We will also automatically add you to the mailing list to keep you updated with future events.