'They pay me to be an Admiral…' or 'The Escape of the Goeben'
12 Aug

Several months after her commissioning in 1912, Goeben, with the light cruiser Breslau, formed the German Mediterranean Division. After the outbreak of World War I  Goeben and Breslau bombarded positions in North Africa and then evaded British naval forces in the Mediterranean and reached Constantinople. The two ships were transferred to the Ottoman Empire on - the Goeben became the flagship of the Turkish Navy as the Yavuz.

By bombarding Russian facilities in the Black Sea, she brought Turkey into World War I on the German side

This talk by Dr Scott Lindgren explores the events, reasons and consequences of these early naval affairs.


Above: Kaiser Wilhelm II visiting Yavuz during his stay in Constantinople in October 1917 as a guest of Sultan Mehmed V

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12 Aug 2022 19:30