Welcome to the Milton Keynes branch of The Western Front Association.
We meet on the third Friday of every month (except August)
Wolverton Working Men’s Social Club
49 - 50, Stratford Road
MK12 5LS
Doors open at 7pm for a prompt 7.30pm start.
We come from all walks of life, and range in First World War knowledge from casual listener to gifted enthusiast.
WFA members and members of the public are all very welcome.
We welcome a donation towards the cost of room hire and speaker – £4 is suggested (no donation requested from those under 16, or in full time education). The donation includes entry to a raffle. We normally try to make at least one prize relevant to the 'First World War' book, DVD, etc.
Refreshments are available at the bar.
Forthcoming Meetings:
February 16th 'The Doughboys' - Mike Sheil
March 15th - ‘Robert Keable, Utterly Immoral WW1 Chaplin’ Simon Keable-Elliott
April 19th - ‘The U Boat Campaign’ – Dr Graham Kemp
Find us on social media:
Facebook: Western Front Association Milton Keynes Branch
Instagram: wfa_mk_branch
Twitter: @WesternfrontMKB
Upcoming Branch Events
See Bulletin, or the Branch Facebook Page or website for forthcoming event details.