August von Mackensen - the Last Hussar by Andrew Lock and Branch AGM
Von Mackensen served throughout the First World War on the Eastern Front, fighting the Russians, the Serbians and the Romanians. He rose from command of XVII Army Corps to the rank of Field Marshall in command of an Army Group.
Andrew has worked as a historian and guide in London, Germany, and on the battlefields for eight years. He is now working on his PhD at the University of Suffolk and UEA, looking at the British Army on the Western Front in early 1917. Aside from history, Andy is a keen rugby player, is now a Vice President of Blackheath!
In addition, this will be the occasion of our Annual General Meeting, so we will start very promptly at 7:40pm! We will attempt to deal with this in our usual highly efficient and speedy manner and move swiftly on to Andrew’s presentation
This meeting will be held in Cobham. Members of The Western Front Association and non-members are equally welcome. We ask for a modest £5 donation on the door. This includes tea, coffee and biscuits at the break (before the Q&A session with the speaker).
Members joining us at Cobham can use our new cashless card system and use their credit card/phone with the new reader that will be available at the signing-in desk.
To help make things easier and safer, we are asking those coming to Cobham to bring their own mug for coffee or tea.
Doors open at Cobham at 7:15pm and AGM will start at 7:40pm. Andrew’s talk will start after the AGM at approximately 8pm.