Mud, Blood and Bandages: The RAMC on the Western Front by Andy Robertshaw.
Andy's presentation explores the multiple roles of the medical services in preventing disease and dealing with the sick and wounded on the front line.
How did the system of medical evacuation take place? Who was responsible for treatment at each stage in this process? How did the nursing services and VADs contribute to treatment and how did this role expand during the course of the war?
The talk also considers the major advances which became a medical revolution between 1914 and 1918. The illustrated talk uses original and replica artefacts.
Andy needs no introduction to the Surrey branch and his talk is one not to be missed.
This meeting will be held in Cobham. Members of The Western Front Association and non-members are equally welcome. We ask for a modest £5 donation on the door. This includes tea, coffee and biscuits at the break (before the Q&A session with the speaker).
Members joining us at Cobham can use our new cashless card system and use their credit card/phone with the new reader that will be available at the signing-in desk.
To help make things easier and safer, we are asking those coming to Cobham to bring their own mug for coffee or tea.
Andy’s talk starts at 8pm. Doors open at Cobham at 7:15pm and the meeting starts at 7:45pm
The photo shows a Field Ambulance waggon passing over muddy ground near Ovillers, September 1916. IWM (Q 1098)