Welcome to the Thames Valley branch of The Western Front Association.
We meet on the last Thursday of each month at 8.00pm.
Members of The Western Front Association and non-members are equally welcome.
We ask for a modest donation of £4 on the door which includes sandwiches after the meeting. A bar is also available.
Any new visitors will be assured of an welcoming and friendly atmosphere among a group of like-minded enthusiasts.
VENUE: Berkshire Sports & Social Club, Sonning Lane, Reading RG4 6ST.
Future Meetings:
Upcoming Branch Events
Germans on the Run; from Tsingtao to Skipton
Prof. Anne Buckley: Germans on the Run; from Tsingtao to Skipton The little-known escape story of two German POWs from Fukuoka in 1915 in which they spent a year on the run and almost circumnavigated the globe. The men were two of the 4,700 Germans taken prisoner by the Japanese following the Siege of Tsingtao in November 1914. A year later, fiv...
Event DetailsThe First World War contribution of Dulmial Village, in present day Pakistan
Dr Irfan Malik: The First World War Contribution of Dulmial Village, in Present Day Pakistan This illustrated talk tells the story of the 460 soldiers (including both of the speaker’s great grandfathers, Captain Ghulam Mohammad and Subedar Mohammad Khan) from Dulmial Village - then part of the Indian Empire, now in present-day Pakistan - who fou...
Event DetailsThe German capture of Fort Douaumont 25 February 1916
Christina Holstein : The German capture of Fort Douaumont 25 February 1916 The surprise capture of Fort Douaumont was as much a triumph for the Germans as it was a shock for the French and its effect on the battlefield was immediate. For the next eight months the Germans fought to hold on to their prize despite constant bombardment, a massive in...
Event Details