09 Apr
Programme for the day
9:30am Doors open. Teas/coffees
10.15am Welcome by the Chair
10.20am ‘Three Days at Marfaux: July 1918’ Second battle of the Marne. Innovation and improvisation on the battlefield with Fraser Skirrow
11,20am ‘A forgotten Navy: Fishermen’s involvement in the Great War’ with Dr. Robb Robinson
12:20pm Buffet Lunch
1:20pm ‘Scamps in Khaki’ : The amazing criminal careers of Home Front deserters by Andrea Hetherington.
2:20pm Teas/coffees
2:45pm AGM
4:30pm Finish of proceedings
Contact admin@westernfrontassociation.com to book places + book buffet lunch (no cost) by 2 April 2022 (Free parking available at venue)
Weetwood Hall Estate , Otley Rd, Weetwood, Leeds LS16 5PS
2022 Spring Conference and AGM, Admin@westernfrontassociation.com
09 Apr 2022 09:30