Hawthorn Ridge Crater Commemoration - 1st July 2024
01 Jul

One of the most iconic sequences of film footage from the First World War is undoubtedly Geoffrey Malin's capture of the Hawthorn Redoubt Mine being detonated at 7.20am on 1st July 1916 and the subsequent failure of the attack made by the 29th Division in the Beaumont Hamel area.

The annual commemoration ceremony organised by the Hawthorn Ridge Crater Association (HRCA) will take place at Beaumont Hamel on 1st July 2024.  All are welcome and attendees should assemble by 7.10am at the Sunken Lane on the D163 to the west of the village to get their rum ration before the ceremony, led by Vice-President, Andy Robertshaw, starts at 7.20am.

At the conclusion of proceedings at the Sunken Lane, the gathering will move up to the Crater for another commemoration.  

There will be opportunities for guided tours of the crater on 1st July (or surrounding days) and availability can be checked by contacting the HRCA by email or Twitter at the following addresses:


Twitter - @HawthornRidgeCA

Please be advised that parking is limited around the Sunken Lane. Walking, the site is 10 minutes from Beaumont Hamel and about 30 minutes from Auchonvillers.

Beaumont Hamel, 80300 Beaumont-Hamel, France
Hawthorn Ridge Crater Commemoration - 1st July 2024, www.hawthornridgeca.com
01 Jul 2024 07:10