ONLINE: Loyal to Empire - The Life of General Sir Charles Monro 1860-1929
20 Jan

The presentation will be live and online. 

Winston Churchill did not describe General Sir Charles Monro in the most glowing terms.  Referring to Monro’s brave decision to recommend a withdrawal from the Gallipoli disaster, Churchill said, ‘He came, he saw, he capitulated.’

General Sir Charles Monro is perhaps the least known of all the senior commanders of the First World War, yet he commanded at divisional, corps and army level on the Western Front. He was also partly responsible for the high standards of shooting achieved by the British Army in 1914 and was the general who said that the British should withdraw from Gallipoli.  In addition, he was commander-in-chief of India at a critical time.

In this presentation, Patrick Crowley will talk about the life and war service of this almost forgotten Army commander.

Members wishing to participate will need to register: details of how to register will be circulated via The Western Front Association's newsletter 'Trench Lines'. If you are not a subscriber to 'Trench Lines' please subscribe now. 

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It is also possible to register by clicking this link: Loyal to Empire

The talk will be undertaken using the 'Zoom' software which is freely available. It may not be necessary to load the software to your PC / iPad etc: but we would recommend doing so if you wish to participate in this event.

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ONLINE: Loyal to Empire - The Life of General Sir Charles Monro 1860-1929,
20 Jan 2025 20:00