ONLINE: The British Way of War - 1890-1918, shaping strategy for an age of transition
24 Feb

The presentation will be live and online. 

At the turn of 20th century Britain, as a global maritime empire shaped by trade and shipping, faced a new challenge in Europe, as Imperial Germany launched a 'World Power Policy' and a 'High Seas Fleet' that would oblige the Royal Navy to concentrate much of its power in the North Sea.

In 1904 Britain and France settled their colonial differences to meet that challenge. The dramatic collapse of Russian power in the brief war with Japan, 1904-05, left France exposed to German pressures, initially over Morocco, which exposed the German threat. 

British statesmen and strategist struggled to shift the focus of their thinking from Imperial conflicts outside Europe to a major war in Europe, and the Liberal Government of 1907-14 was focussed on domestic issues, including Irish Home Rule and social reform.

This lecture, by Professor Andrew Lambert, will focus on the role of strategic thinker Sir Julian Corbett, who developed a maritime strategy to meet the new circumstances, one which shaped the creation of the BEF. 

Above: Sir Julian Corbett

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The talk will be undertaken using the 'Zoom' software which is freely available. It may not be necessary to load the software to your PC / iPad etc: but we would recommend doing so if you wish to participate in this event.

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ONLINE: The British Way of War - 1890-1918, shaping strategy for an age of transition,
24 Feb 2025 20:00