ONLINE: Turning Points 1915 by Spencer Jones
10 Feb

The presentation will be live and online. 

From the first use of poison gas at Ypres to the ill-fated Gallipoli campaign and the shifting dynamics on the Eastern Front, this lecture delves into the events that shaped the trajectory of the First World War. Learn more about the decisions, innovations, and missed opportunities that could have altered history, and consider how the course of the conflict - and the world - might have been dramatically different.

This presentation, by Dr Spencer Jones follows on from the highly successful 'Turning Points 1914' which Spencer presented in 2024. We hope this will become a series that will develop for each year of the war.

Members wishing to participate will need to register: details of how to register will be circulated via The Western Front Association's newsletter 'Trench Lines'. If you are not a subscriber to 'Trench Lines' please subscribe now. 

To subscribe to Trench Lines, go to the home page of The Western Front Association web site and complete your details in the 'Newsletter sign up' box. 

It is also possible to register by clicking this link: Turning Points 1915

The talk will be undertaken using the 'Zoom' software which is freely available. It may not be necessary to load the software to your PC / iPad etc: but we would recommend doing so if you wish to participate in this event.

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ONLINE: Turning Points 1915 by Spencer Jones,
10 Feb 2025 20:00