This event is in support of the Fusilier Museum, Warwick.
Ian has been a member of the Friends for many years and is a regular contributor to our talks programme. He will use a wide range of primary and secondary sources to describe how the different battalions fought in the mud and explain how the British Army almost broke through and had the Germans on the run.
To register and receive a link for the talk email: rrfwarwickfriends@outlook.com
Talks are free for the Friends.
For others, please consider making a donation: £5 is the norm.
The easiest way to do this is via The Fusilier Museum website (warwickfusiliers.co.uk) and click on the 'Support Us' and then 'Online Donations' tabs. A Gift Aid form can also be downloaded.
To join the Friends send for an application form by contacting the Secretary on rrfwarwickfriends@outlook.com
Organised by the ‘Friends of the Museum’ (Charity No 1100893)