1 - The WFA trustees plan for the future
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- 1 - The WFA trustees plan for the future
The next AGM will take place on 27th April 2019. The current trustees will remain in post until then, or will leave earlier if suitable transition arrangements can be made. This ensures that essential WFA services for members - such as the magazines, newsletters, the website and the office services - continue.
Between now and the next AGM, the trustees intend to establish a working group. This will be comprised of WFA members, operating in two phases with two different objectives, though with some overlap. The working group will be advisory and we expect the group to report to the membership. Future updates will be published as progress is made.
The first phase will prioritise the future relationship of the WFA and the Butte de Warlencourt. The working group will explore all appropriate options, and make recommendations.
The second phase will examine WFA governance and advise on the WFA's future post-Centennial direction.
If you are interested in participating in the working group, please contact Steve Oram, the WFA honorary secretary, (email address below). People with related professional experience are particularly sought. It is important to mention when writing:
- whether you primarily interested in the first or second phase (or both)
- brief details of relevant practical experience
- WFA membership number
- full contact details (email, phone, postal address).
Working group: Steve Oram (honorary secretary) secretary@westernfrontassociation.com
Other enquiries: Colin Wagstaff (chairman) chairman@westernfrontassociation.com