Congratulations to Professor Peter Simkins on turning 80 today
We are delighted to mark the 80th birthday of Professor Peter Simkins MBE, the President of The Western Front Association.
A student of King's College, London and a keen jazz musician, in this interview Peter recalls how he selected a military theme for his undergraduate studies under Michael Howard and then went on to be the archivist of Liddell Hart's papers. Peter then moved to the Imperial War Museum as a Research and Information Officer, then Keeper of Exhibits which included the audacious saving of HMS Belfast, the opening up of Duxford and re-opening of Churchill's Cabinet War Rooms.
In 1976, back on an academic track as the Museum's Historian, Peter gave the best part of eight years to write Kitchener's Army: The Raising of the New Armies 1914-1916.
To mark this occasion we invite visitors to enjoy this interview with Peter that was conducted a couple of years ago.
We look forward to seeing you at the 8th President's Conference, this Saturday 30th March in Birmingham. Tickets are available on the door.