VIDEO : Cerys Matthews reading 'And death shall have no dominion' at The WFA's 2019 Armistice ceremony
The Western Front Association holds a ceremony for members, guests and the general public every Armistice Day to mark the end of the First World War.
At the 2019 ceremony, Cerys Matthews read from Dylan Thomas's poem 'And death shall have no dominion'
(Hint: hover over the video and click 'Full Screen' in the bottom right corner)
With between 3000 and 4000 people present (Metropolitan police estimate), there was a high level of police security, evidence of what a significant event the WFA service has become. We are delighted that what started as a gloomy morning became a beautiful autumn day by 11am.
This moving reading was - for many - a special highlight of what was once again a superbly organised occasion with thousands watching on from the sidelines.
We are, as ever, grateful to Cerys for making the event so special.