Search results for 49th (West Riding) Division.

23 July 1917 : Pte George Clement Sutcliffe, 1/4th KOYLI.


The 49th (West Riding) Division had, following the Battle of the Somme, moved to the Neuve Chapelle area; the division stayed in this sector until 13 July 1917 when it was ordered to proceed to Bethune railway station. After de-training at Dunkirk, the division moved up the coast, taking over the coastal defences at Nieuport on 18 July. The 1/...

Three Days In The Great War - Dr Derek Clayton


Derek may be familiar to people as the author of 'From Pontefract to Picardy', which looked at the 9th Battalion King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry in the Great War.However, 'Three Days in the Great War' is based on his MA Dissertation and examines the performance of the 49th Division in set-piece attacks on 3 September 1916 at Thiepval, 9 Octo...