Search results for Andy Tonge.

Commemorating the restoration of the Riqueval Bridge Memorial


In glorious weather on the once British-held part of the Western Front, Western Front Association Chairman Colin Wagstaff and WFA European Officer Any Tongue took part alongside VIPs, dignitaries and guests in the rededication of the Riqueval Bridge Memorial. (Next to the newly rededicated Riqueval Bridge Memorial) In attendance were the great...

'ELOPE with the RAF - flying over North Russia' by Andy Tonge


Caption: No 1 Flight, Slavo British Aviation Corps About the speaker: Andy Tonge was, for 13 years, chair of the WFA Sussex branch and also the European Officer of the WFA EC during most of the Great War Centenary commemorations. In this role he led the WFA presence at government-run Passchendaele events. For many years, he has guided battlefiel...

'Elope with the RAF' with Andy Tonge


Andy Tonge will be talking about 'Elope with the RAF' This is the name given to Allied forces operating out of Archangel and fighting on the Dvina river in Russia. Featured image: Bolshevik prisoners under the custody of US troops in Arkhangelsk 1918. Paul Mentzer Photographs of the Great War