Search results for Baltic Ports.

History's Greatest Heist: the Looting of Russia by the Bolsheviks by Sean McMeekin


Yale, 2008 $38, 228 pp, ills, index.  ISBN 978 0 3001 3558 9  This is a factual tale of cops and robbers, mainly robbers, who claimed they were Robin Hoods expropriating the expropriators to benefit the proletariat. Almost all the gold, currency, silver, jewels and jewellery the Bolsheviks seized from Russian and foreign bankers, industrialists,...

'Strategic choice: Lord Fisher, the Baltic and struggle for civilian control' with Professor Andrew Lambert


This talk has been re-earranged from March this year to October  This lecture examines the development of a classic 'British Way of war' strategy for World War One. Long term planning by Admiral Lord Fisher had focused on using control of, or the threat to enter the Baltic to leverage German strategy and complete the economic blockade. Fisher's...