Search results for Black Watch.

27 September 1915 : Captain Fergus Bowes-Lyon, 8th Black Watch


The Commonwealth War Graves Commission has changed the commemoration for Captain Fergus Bowes-Lyon, an uncle of the late Queen Elizabeth II. Fergus died in France during the Battle of Loos in September 1915 and, until now, had been commemorated by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission on the Loos Memorial as he had no known grave. His grandson...

071: September 2004


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Ep. 27 – Black Watch volunteers in Dublin before the First World War – Ian Montgomery


Ian Montgomery, Co-chair, Antrim and Down WFA branch, talks on ‘Thoroughbred Irishmen: Black Watch volunteers in Dublin before the First World War’. This lecture was given at conference between the WFA and the Public Record Office for Northern Ireland on military traditions in Ireland....

'The Black Watch and Kitchener's New Army' with Derek Patrick


As part of Kitchener’s New Army, the Black Watch formed several battalions.  They served with distinction and their sacrifice is acknowledged throughout Tayside, Angus and Perthshire.  Derek will describe how they fared and the impact on those back home. Derek is well known to the branch and is a historian working at the University of St Andrews...