Search results for Brigadier General Kentish.

Lancashire North Despatch Issue 20: November 2017


In early April 1918 Ludendorff launched his "Georgette" offensive and the soldier in the grave shown on the frontispiece died countering the German attack.  His story, together with that of Lieut. Col. Egerton Fairclough and the motto on the grave is the first article in the Despatch.  Separate, there is a tale written by Brigadier General Kenti...

Lancashire North Despatch Issue 12: Nov 2013


  This month's frontispiece is thanks to Barrie Bertram's cancelled summer holiday and his interest in the WW1 involvement of, for some, a summer holiday location.  Read more (starting Page 3) about the photo and about: a Preston freeman with possibly a unique epitaph; the South Lancashire Colonel who prepared the most important tactical manual...