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072: January 2005


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Stand To! No.1 to No.133 Full Contents Listing


Stand To! 1-133 Content Stand To  1 Spring 1981 Editorial Notes (Peter T. Scott) Serving members of the Western Front Association Early Days, New Paths and Acknowledgements Inaugural Meeting: John Terraine's Address. Historian John Terraine berates those who indulge in ‘purely tragic pilgrimages to the Western Front’. The Loving Care of the CW...

Ep. 41 – The Canadians on the Somme – Dr William Stewart


Dr William Stewart talks about his latest book, published by Helion and Co, that examines the Canadian forces contribution, experience and performance during the Battle of the Somme. Your browser does not support the audio element.

The Battle of Hill 70: Victoria Cross awards


A number of Canadians earned the highest award for valour during the Battle of Hill 70. Private Harry Brown, 10th Battalion, 1st Canadian Infantry Division From The London Gazette For most conspicuous bravery, courage and devotion to duty. After the capture of a position, the enemy massed in force and counter-attacked. The situation became very...

ONLINE: Official History Gone Wrong: Failure on 2 September 1918 and the Flawed Canadian Official History with Dr Bill Stewart


The presentation will be live and online.  At 8:00 a.m. on 2 September 1918, the troops of the 4th Canadian Division, after breaking the Drocourt-Quéant line, advanced over Mont Dury into furious, accurate, and devastating German fire. They faced this fierce resistance unsupported by an artillery barrage that the Canadian high command suspended...

Stand To! No.134 Out Now!


Front Cover of the June 2024 issue of Stand To! The June Issue of Stand To! has been sent out to our members. Stand To! is published four times a year and is available in print or digital form. This issue:  CONTENTS  3rd Australian Tunnelling Company in the Last ‘Hundred Days’ - Richard Crompton The Camera Returns - Bob Grundy and Steve Wall...