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Search results for Colin Buxton.
REMINDER: Up Coming WFA National and Regional Conferences
Suffolk : 11 August 2018 Suffolk 5th Annual Centenary Conference '1918 The Winning Formula' Speakers: Peter Simkins, Jack Sheldon and Peter Hart Panel Discussion chaired by Taff Gillingham VENUE: University of Suffolk in Ipswich Purchase Tickets > HERE Wolverhampton : 6-8 September 2018 WFA/University of Wolverhampton Centena...
‘The First World War Experiences of Some World War Two RAF Commanders’ with Colin Buxton
Colin will be speaking about his further work exploring the First World War experiences of a number of men who would become important in the RAF in the Second World War. We suggest a voluntary donation of £3 per person. Come and join us – we welcome guests and first-time attendees as well as WFA Members For further information, please contact Da...
'No.16 Squadron RFC - The Great War History of an Army Cooperation Squadron' with Colin Buxton
Colin Buxton's presentation covers the history of the Army Cooperation role seen through the experiences of one unit: No.16 Squadron, Royal Flying Corps. From early in the war, until its conclusion, the squadron flew many dangerous and demanding missions over the Western Front - including Artillery Spotting, Reconnaissance, Photography and Cont...