Search results for Jake Gasson.

Ep. 275 – Managing boredom in Salonika amongst British troops – Jake Gasson


Jake Gasson, a doctoral candidate at Pembroke College, University of Oxford, talks about his research into how British soldiers experienced and endured boredom as part of British forces deployed to Salonika. Your browser does not support the audio element....

Out Now! Stand To! No. 130


In Communications Lines, the introduction to Stand To!, editor Matthew Leonard talks football, more on machine gun tactics, the Greek contribution to the First World War, cordite production, and peace medals while introducing Gary Sheffield’s examination of Jay Winter’s The Day the Great War Ended: 24 July 1923. Contents Page  Communi...

Announcing the full line up of speakers for the London Pride Conference on 15 June


The Western Front Association is delighted to be hosting the London Pride Conference on 15 June. The event aims to provide a thorough exploration of the history and influence of the London Territorials during the years 1908 to 1921. The London Pride Conference provides an opportunity for the authors of an edited volume of the same name, due to b...