Search results for John Peaty.

Ep. 96 – Lawrence of Arabia – Dr John Peaty


Military historian Dr John Peaty talks about Lawrence of Arabia. Your browser does not support the audio element.

‘Lawrence of Arabia: Man, Movie and Myth’ – John Peaty.


Lawrence was probably the most remarkable officer to have served in the British Army during the Great War, and the most famous. What most people know about Lawrence and the Arab Revolt is derived from an epic 1962 movie, which is great cinema but poor history. Dr Peaty will try to disentangle the man from the myth, examine the various portrayals...

The Palestine Campaign - A Talk by Dr John Peaty preceded by brief branch AGM


Following three battles to break into Palestine at Gaza, the capture of Jerusalem and a spectacular victory at Megiddo (Armageddon) which finally broke the enemy forces, the Holy Land was freed from Turkish rule. John Peaty is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and of the Royal Historical Society. He holds a PhD and MA in War Studies fro...

Announcing the full line up of speakers for the London Pride Conference on 15 June


The Western Front Association is delighted to be hosting the London Pride Conference on 15 June. The event aims to provide a thorough exploration of the history and influence of the London Territorials during the years 1908 to 1921. The London Pride Conference provides an opportunity for the authors of an edited volume of the same name, due to b...