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Search results for Kut-el-Amarah.
A Perspective on the Western Front by an Indian Army Office on the Western Front by Dr DeWitt C Ellinwood
[This article first appeared in Stand To! No.63 January 2002 pp 29-32. Members of The Western Front Association have access to the full digital archive running to 116 editions and some 2000 articles such as this one}. When Britain entered the war in August 1914, it was immediately apparent that the British Isles could not supply the number of t...
A Perspective on the Western Front by an Army Officer from India by Dr. DeWitt C. Ellinwood
This article first appeared in the January 2020 edition of Stand To! the journal of The Western Front Association. Members receive Stand To! three times a year and our in-house magazine Bulletin three times a year. Digital Members receive these in digital form and have access to them online. All members have access to the Stand To! archive compr...