Search results for Lancashire North.

Lancashire North Despatch Issue 17: May 2016


Lancashire North Branch Despatch issue 17: May 2016  The front page of this Despatch takes on an unusual layout to display to best effect the photograph of Lady Mary Gerard and Corporal Daniel Finch MM.  After Editor’s Musing on Page 2 is the story behind the photo and of Corporal Finch’s war.  Then follows Niall Cherry’s account of how Richard...

Lancashire North Despatch Issue 22: November 2018


Lancashire North Despatch Issue: November 2018 The cover image shows King Albert of Belgium arriving on his white charger to review the 55th West Lancashire Division on 3rd January 1919 and the article on Page 11 tells how men of the Division had earlier watched his return in triumph to Brussels on 22 November 1918.  Reaf inside about the soldie...

Lancashire North Despatch Issue 21: May 2018


The Soissons Memorial (frontispiece and page 19) commemorates the missing of the United Kingdom in the Battles of the Aisne and Marne in 1918 and on Page 2 is the story of the 2nd Battalion Loyal North Lancashire Regiment that fought there helping the French regain land they had lost to the Germans.  Also inside read about a "Non-Ducker" who was...

'Branch AGM 2024 and Members' Contributions'


This year we are continuing with the traditional format of the AGM followed by members' contributions.  All members are invited to contribute and share any experience or bring along memorabilia and artifacts that they would like to share with the branch members.  If you have visited any sites or events that you feel are special in any way then p...