Search results for Linda Parker.

079: April 2007


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Ep. 58 – Woodbine Willie – Dr Linda Parker


Dr Linda Parker talks about her new book (published by Helion and Co) on Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy, better known as Woodbine Willie, during his service as an Army Chaplain in the Great War.   Your browser does not support the audio element.

Ep. 75 – Tubby Clayton – Dr Linda Parker


Dr. Linda Parker talks about her book on the Rev. Philip ‘Tubby’ Clayton during the Great War, published by Helion & Co. Your browser does not support the audio element.

ONLINE ‘Each read each other's soul: British and ANZAC chaplains at Gallipoli’ with Dr. Linda Parker


The talk will look at the role developed by the British and Anzac chaplains in the circumstances of the Gallipoli campaign. It will focus on difficulties and dangers, opportunities and achievements in their service to the men involved in the landings and battles. Dr Linda Parker is a former history teacher, author and independent scholar who wri...