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Search results for Local History Research.
The Malcolm Doolin Memorial Award for Local History Research 2021-2022
An annual year long project – starts 1 September 2021, closes 30 June 2022. Open to primary, secondary and special schools 2 x £500 awards (one for 5-11 year olds, one for 11-16 year olds) plus runner up awards Publication and publicity through the Western Front Association’s magazine, website and social media Commemorative certificates to...
SCHOOLS COMPETITION : The Malcolm Doolin Memorial Award for Local History Research by Schools and Youth groups 2022/2023
The Malcolm Doolin Memorial Award for Local History Research 2022-2023 Schools and youth groups are invited to support pupils carrying out original research into any aspect of local history related to the period 1914-1918/19. There are two prizes of £500 (or Euro equivalent) on offer, one for 11 year olds and under and one for 12-16 year olds,...