Search results for Ministry of Munitions.

015: Winter 1985


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ONLINE Zoom Meeting - Lloyd-George: the man who won the war by Jonathan Rodell


Lloyd-George: the man who won the war by Jonathan Rodell A radical firebrand and outspoken opponent of the Boer War, Lloyd George was an unlikely war leader but quickly emerged as the politician most able to rise to the extraordinary challenges of the Great War. Why did contemporaries see his role as so crucial? Were they right? Historian Martin...

The Low Moor Munitions Factory Explosion


Monday, August 21 in 1916 was a fine and sunny day, but would be remembered in the area of Low Moor - which is a small town to the south of Bradford, in West Yorkshire - for many years. However, over the decades, the memories of this day have faded and the unimaginable horror that took place is now largely forgotten. A clue as to the events of t...

The Women Police Service in the Great War with Natalie Austin and Nigel Crompton


Using data and details from many sources, Natalie and Nigel will tell the story of the Women Police Service, the involvement of the Ministry of Munitions, where they served, their duties, training and pay. Our talk includes quotes from the police women, numerous photographs, etc.  This is the first time this talk is presented to a WFA Branch.