Search results for Quintinshill Rail Disaster.

The 1/7th Royal Scots and the Quintinshill Rail Disaster : 22 May 1915


At the time of the First World War, Britain had a large number of railway companies each owning varying amounts of track and junctions. Often the point where companies’ tracks met became bottlenecks. One such junction was on the English-Scottish border at Gretna. To alleviate difficulties, a set of loops, sidings and signal boxes were constructe...

'The Quintinshill Rail Disaster' with David Carter


The Quintinshill Rail Disaster happened on 22nd May 1915. This talk examines the events surrounding the multi train rail crash near Gretna just over the Scotland/England border from Carlisle. With over 220 dead, it remains the worst crash in British rail history.  We look at the sequence of events, the response of local people in supporting the...