Search results for Rick Smith.

'Hawthorn Ridge - Then and Now' with Rick Smith


The Hawthorn Redoubt was an formidable defensive position for the Germans which was blown up on the morning of 1 July 1916 by a mine that had been placed beneath the German stronghold on the ridge. The explosion, ten minutes before the whistles blew at 7:30am, destroyed the position but the timing of the detonation and the lifting of the artille...

Rick Smith - 'Hawthorn Ridge - Then and Now'. A Study.


This talk will give a history of the area from its early occupation, the plan and execution of the blowing of the mine on 1st July 1916 and its filming by Geoffrey Malins. We look at some of the participants involved on that famous (and infamous) day. The subsequent second blow in November and the successful capture of Beaumont Hamel. Studies th...