Search results for St. Eloi.

096: January 2013


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The Liverpool Scottish at Bellewaarde


This article is intended to briefly tell the story of one not particularly well known action that took place on 16 June 1915. The starting point in the story is this photograph.   Taken near Hooge, a photo of the first attack on Bellewaarde Farm by the Liverpool Scottish, 6 am, 16 June 1915. Photo by Private F.A. Fyfe, 'Z' Company, 1/10th King's...

‘St. Eloi - Village of the Craters’'


ONLINE LECTURE ‘St. Eloi - Village of the Craters’' By Chris John A look at the life of Sir John Norton Griffiths,- African para military adventurer, gold and diamond miner, civil   engineer and founder of the Tunnelling Companies of the Great War. A look at the first British concerted use of mines in the Action at St Eloi June 1916 and the Magn...