Search results for Supplies and Transport.

To Cross the Rubicon You Need… Life-Jackets! The 46th (North Midland ) Division Crossing of the St Quentin Canal: A Supply Perspective


One of the most remarkable ‘tactical incidents’ (as the official battle nomenclature describes it) of the Battle of St. Quentin Canal was the ‘Passage at Bellenglise’ and in particular the capture of the vital Riqueval Bridge by 137th Brigade (46th North Midland Division) on the morning of 29 September, 1918. This action gave rise to one of th...

ONLINE Zoom Meeting - Bullets, Bombs & Poison Gas: Supplying the troops on the Western Front 1914-18 by Dr Dave Rogers


ONLINE Zoom Meeting - Bullets, Bombs & Poison Gas: Supplying the troops on the Western Front 1914-18 by Dr Dave Rogers Soldiers in the trenches were issued with four bullets a day unless they were either snipers or manned a machine gun. This does not seem like a lot of bullets. However, four bullets a day is 28 per week and a million soldier...

Roads, Rails, Uniforms and Suits with Roy Larkin


We welcome Roy who will be telling the story of the reorganising of the Western Front supply line, revealing inter service rivalry and friction with the powers in London