Search results for The New Army Divisions.

009: Winter 1983


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Discipline in the BEF: An analysis of executions in British Divisions 1914-1918


It is well recorded that despite a dubious disciplinary record, Australian troops were amongst the most effective of those available to Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig. [1] This observation is at odds with the example of the Guards Division which also had a favourable reputation, but whose discipline was strict.[2] It is therefore potentially use...

'The Black Watch and Kitchener's New Army' with Derek Patrick


As part of Kitchener’s New Army, the Black Watch formed several battalions.  They served with distinction and their sacrifice is acknowledged throughout Tayside, Angus and Perthshire.  Derek will describe how they fared and the impact on those back home. Derek is well known to the branch and is a historian working at the University of St Andrews...