Search results for Tigris.

General Maude and the Recapture of Kut


With temperatures ranging from freezing to 130ºF (50ºC) the campaign in Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq) was undertaken in one of the most inhospitable climates imaginable. Despite being a side-show to the main battles of the First World War in France and Belgium, the Mesopotamian campaign lasted virtually the entire period of the war. A mission ha...

Ep. 160 – The 2nd Battalion, Leicestershire Regiment in FWW – Nigel Atter


Historian Nigel Atter talks about his book on the Great War service of the 2nd Battalion, Leicestershire Regiment. This is published by Helion. 11 May 2020 : Podcast 160 Nigel Atter, a self-styled ‘independent scholar’ is an active member of the Leicestershire  & Rutland branch of The Western Front Association. His interest in the First Wor...

A Tour of Mesopotamian War Cemeteries in 2003


In the early summer of 2003, fortunately or not, I found myself and the Battalion I was commanding at the time, 7 Air Assault Battalion REME, based just outside of Al-Amarah in what had once been the British front line in Mesopotamia. Wherever I am in the world if there is an opportunity to visit a CWGC site then I will. A quick look on the map...