German prisoners compelled to carry our wounded during the strenuous struggle for Bourlon Wood

* Click image for larger view
Image Id: 405 Contributor: The Jordan/Ference Collection Theatre: Western Front Subject: The Front Line Location: Bourlon Wood, France Regiment: Unknown Service Arm: Infantry Battle: Unknown Date: Unknown Combatants: British / German Publisher: Realistic Travels Source: British Directory: Set of 600 101-200
John D
Fri, 21/01/2022 01:15ditto with tree stump in 214
John D
Fri, 21/01/2022 01:11same tree stump seen in no 82 and 83 location description different in each.
Paul B
Tue, 27/07/2021 16:40One of a series of photos taken in 1915. Girdwood was allowed a party of Leicesters (who were resting behind the lines) together with German uniforms and props such as smoke bombs and a stretcher to make a series of stereo images. These were taken on a former battlefield, and as such create a more realistic image. The actual staging and captions are representative of actions from real battles that would have been impossible to photograph. Note that although the action is completely ‘staged’ there are no actors here.