Ep. 97 – Witnessing the End of the German Occupation of Brussels,1918 – Prof Tammy Proctor
Professor Tammy Proctor from Utah State University gives a talk on the end of the German occupation of Brussels between the dates of October to December 1918. This talk was given as part of the ‘End of the War & the Reshaping of a Century’ conference held at the University of Wolverhampton in September last year.
Tammy M. Proctor is from Kansas City, Missouri and a graduate of the University of Missouri (BJ Journalism/BA History 1990) and Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (MA/PhD History 1995). She is presently employed as Distinguished Professor of History at Utah State University in Logan, Utah. Her previous university positions include the H.O. Hirt Professor of History at Wittenberg University in Ohio and Assistant Professor at Lakeland College in Wisconsin.