'Missing-Died-Survived. The Senior Brothers and The Great War' by Guy Senior

‘Missing-Died-Survived’ is a rich, complex, family story told by the the grandson of the brother that survived. In this book, Guy Senior, weaves together a story through a collection of letters home from the Western Front, qualifies what is said with original records and illustrates it all with privately held photographs from family, and family friends. 

Joseph Senior served alongside Norman Macmillan in No.45 Squadron RFC; Walter Senior fought at the battle of the Somme; and George Senior saw action at the Second Battle of Ypres.

The history is sharp, succinct and well told.

The context on the Western Front is brought to life with revealing letters that are intelligently introduced and followed up. This isn’t just about the brothers, their family and friends, it is also revealing about how the war was being fought. 

Before long you worry both for the brothers and their friends who have enlisted.

You want to know who in the end went missing, and whether they are now a prisoner of war; who died and how and where this happened, and the hurt that must have been felt by a girlfriend, father, school teacher or surviving friend we now know ... and of course you wonder who survived and is therefore the author's grandfather. 

‘Missing - Died - Survived’ is a fascinating and compelling read which makes for an excellent evening’s talk when Guy Senior visits Western Front Association branches, an adventure which began with the eponymous collection of letters found in bundle in an attic and now brought to life in this book.

2021 update: Since publication of the hardback edition a revised paperback edition of this book has now been published, featuring over 70 high resolution black & white and colour photographs.

Guy Senior will be selling copies of this revised edition at Western Front Association talks when they are able to start up again.