"Missing-Died-Survived" is the story of three brothers who fought on the Western Front: Joseph, Walter and George Senior. Born in the Yorkshire town of Wakefield, all three were educated at Wakefield Grammar school. Joseph the eldest was one of the most academically gifted boys of his generation. In the 1911 Oxford Senior Examinations he was ranked first out of 14,000 candidates nationally. He then studied at Clare College, Cambridge, where he graduated in Classics with first class honours. Initially serving with the West Yorkshire Regiment, he would later volunteer for the Royal Flying Corps and saw action over the Ypres battlefront as an observer with No 45 Squadron. Walter the middle brother, would also serve with the West Yorkshire Regiment. He would take part in the Battle of the Somme, leading his men on a daring raid on 'The Triangle' in the Thiepval sector. George, the youngest would serve with the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry and later become attached to the Sherwood Foresters. Only one woud return home.
This fully illustrated talk by Guy Senior features first-hand accounts of combat on land and in the air. Signed copies of Guy's book willa lso be availabe to buy followinbg the talk, priced at £20.