Welcome to the Merseyside branch of the Western Front Association.
We meet on the first Friday of each month at 7.00pm until 9.00pm at the Williamson Art Gallery and Museum, Slatey Road, Birkenhead.
We are a well established branch that has been meeting for over 30 years. We ask for a small donation of £4, this covers the cost of room hire and the speaker's expenses. We also have a raffle with tickets costing £1.
As well as our monthly meeting, we organise day trips out to sites of military and historical interest. We also organise a bi-annual battlefield tour to France and Flanders.
Both members and visitors will receive a warm and friendly welcome when they join us.
BRANCH WEBSITE - www.wfa-merseyside.weebly.com
Upcoming Branch Events
See Bulletin, or the Branch Facebook Page or website for forthcoming event details.