AGM &  'HM Cordite Factory Gretna – Genealogy on the Home Front' by Nigel Compton
02 Mar

About the talk: This is a very different talk, based on the 'Miracle Workers' project run by and on behalf of The Devils Porridge Museum, Eastriggs. (Devil's porridge was the Great War nickname for cordite.) It is a study in Great War Genealogy on the Home Front. We first set the scene by examining this massive munitions factory complex in Gretna, on the borders of Scotland and England. As an example of its pioneering approach, it was one of the first places in Great Britain to be protected by the Women Policer Service and it soon became the biggest, employing 162 women officers. Then we turn to our sphere of research the vast number and type of sources both here and abroad - military and emergency services records, archives local and nationally, museum collections - accessed to try to give due credit to those who also helped win the war. Finally we turn to the project's future plans and projects which include other factory/production sites throughout Great Britain.

About the speaker: Nigel has an MA in British History, First World War Studies from University of Birmingham. His dissertation was on His Majesty's Cordite Factory Gretna and its impact on the local communities before and after the Great War. Previously, a serving fire-fighter, Nigel now speaks to many varied audiences on a range of subjects. Apart from writing articles, a book on the Windsor Castle fire and many chapters for books and magazines, he is researching for two books of his own. He has worked with numerous museums and groups with walk leaflets, exhibitions, and historical data collection. He is a member of the Western Front Association and Fire Heritage Network UK.

Where we meet and how to get there:  We meet at 19:15 for a 19:30 start at the Hewitt Room, Whitton Community Centre, Percy Road, Whitton TW2 6JL. The meeting normally finishes about 21:00. The community centre is close to Whitton Station and on H22 and 110 bus routes. There are no entrance fees but a donation of £4 towards our costs is greatly appreciated.


Hewitt Room, Whitton Community Centre, Percy Road, Whitton, TW2 6JL
02 Mar 2023 19:30