'Fighting Spirit - Patrolling and Raiding with the West Yorks 1917-18' a talk by Fraser Skirrow
05 Oct

This talk looks at the routine daily business of dominating the enemy through the development of patrolling and raiding in a West Yorks battalion. It examines who was involved, how the patrol and raiding war actually worked, what was achieved and discusses whether the emphasis on patrolling had any effect on fighting abilities. With modern and contemporary photos, maps and RFC recce photos the talk takes the audience along the paths of a series of patrols to see what actually happened in No Man's Land at night.

The speakerĀ is former TA officer and the author of 'Massacre on the Marne' (Pen & Sword, 2007) the Battalion history of the 2/5th West Yorkshire Regiment. A graduate of Pembroke College Oxford and the London Business School, when he is not studying the Great War and visiting battlefields, he runs a specialist consultancy for the development of new medicines

Hewitt Room, Whitton Community Centre, Percy Road, Whitton, TW2 6JL
05 Oct 2023 19:25