'The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand' a talk by Sue Woolmans
04 Jul

Every schoolchild is taught that WW1 was started because the Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated. But there is so much more to Franz Ferdinand than his death. Sue tells the story of the Archduke's life, set in the glittering but fragile Habsburg court; his fairytale marriage against all odds; and how even now history overlooks the man and vilifies his memory.

Sue Woolmans is a Royal historian and writer whose work has appeared in Majesty and Royalty Digest magazines. As well as co-authoring 'The Assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand', she has contributed to two books on the Russian Imperial family. Sue recently appeared on Dan Snow's History Hit podcast and is currently helping to edit a book on the Spanish royal family.


For details on how to travel to venue see main page for Middlesex branch

Hewitt Room, Whitton Community Centre, Percy Road, Whitton, TW2 6JL
04 Jul 2024 19:15