CANCELLED : 'Aftermath' a talk by Professor John Derry
12 Jun

Due to the Coronavirus, all meetings have been postponed or cancelled until further notice. Please check with us before venturing out to an advertised event. 

We are delighted to welcome Professor Derry for another talk on the First World War. On this occasion he will cover the events which took place following the Armistice on 11 November1918 and how these affected the various combatant countries.
An alumnus of Gateshead Grammar School and Emmanuel College, Cambridge, after national service in the RAF, John Derry taught at both Cambridge and the London School of Economics before returning to the North East to join the History Department at Newcastle University, where he ultimately became Professor of History and is remembered also as an outstanding Public Orator. 

Cloth Hall, Ypres (Photo: Chris Preston)

Cloth Hall, Ypres (Photo: Chris Preston)



Tyne Cot Cemetery (Photo: Chris Preston)

St Peters Rooms, Ruddington, Notts NG11 6HD
12 Jun 2020 19:00